We are market leaders in the Nordic area Mechanical workshop in Karlsborg

Casings for diamond drills
Assars Mekaniska Verkstad is a company with a long history. It was founded in 1952 in Karlsborg by Assar Johansson.
Manufacturing was initially focused on sub-contract work, which was later supp-lemented by industrial service and manufacture of special machinery.
In 1984, we decided to specialise in making drill bit tubes for diamond drills. As the years have passed, we have refined our technology and our products, and can now offer very high, even quality. We always stock tubes in standard dimensions, to ensure short deliveries.
We are market leaders in the Nordic area, thanks to our quality combined with considerable flexibility and short delivery times.
Considerable flexibility and short delivery times!
Diffrerent opening hours spring 2025
17 april 7-13
18 april CLOSED
21 april CLOSED
30 april 7-13
1 may CLOSED
2 may CLOSED
28 may 7-13
29 may CLOSED
30 may CLOSED
5 june 7-13
6 june CLOSED
19 june 7-13
20 june CLOSED
Contact us
Manufacturer of special machinery
Assars Mekaniska Verkstad AB
Kapellsvägen 12
S-546 31 Karlsborg
Phone: 0505-188 60
E-mail: info@assars-mek.com
Fax Production: +46 505 120 90
Fax Office: +46 505 590 86
Opening hours
Opening hours Production
Monday – Thursday 7.00 – 16.00
Friday 7.00 – 13.00
Lunch 13.00 – 13.30
Opening hours Office
Monday – Thursday 8.00 – 16.00
Friday 9.00 – 13.00
For different opening hours during holidays, please look under page Information.